Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday the 9th

It has been such a joy to have Greg & Marlene here at the Columbus Cottage!  They pulled in around 5 on Saturday night, just in time to share burgers and strawberry milkshakes.  We spent a wonderful Mother's Day together enjoying Daniel's granola bread, going to church, & time together.  Today Marlene and I began a new project: making curtains for Tirzah's room.  The idea sounded simple enough and I was inspired by Meredith (who loaned me her sewing machine), but truly, I had no idea just how many details would be involved.  I am so thankful for Marlene and all her needlework wisdom!  The poor woman: I just made her walk through Jo-Anns fabric lugging the sewing machine around to find out how to thread the machine!!  Such memories!
Daniel took off this morning around 5.  They had PT and lunch on base, and then were bussed into the field around 1.  His prayer requests for the week are as follows:
* His platoon was told that they would not be receiving a lot of sleep this week (and in fact when Daniel called right before they headed to the field, he said it will probably be an all-nighter).  He desires prayer to remain alert even with little sleep
* To find time to be with the Lord
* If called upon for a leadership position, that he would make wise and efficient decisions.  But also that he would be a team player when following his peers.
* My prayer is of thanksgiving that Greg & Marlene are here and that Tirzah had the most wonderful day with several long & fitful naps, but also delightful alert time.  Please pray that I would be able to express to Greg & Marlene just how thankful we are to have their presence within our home.
Thank you!

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