LOVING that this morning Daniel had to leave for a land navigation practice at 2 am (well that is not what I loved...) BUT, he came back home around 3 and crawled in bed for another 40 minutes! That is what I am LOVING!
LOVING that Daniel found a Norman Rockwell painting to describe me: The Decorator
Lately I have been so eager to dive into new decorating adventures... like the wedding dress door, a new idea for a photo collage behind the couch, and hanging Tirzah's newborn outfits above her crib to name a few.
I think it is a coping mechanism, this decorating craze, to deal with the fact that Daniel is leaving on Sunday for Ranger School. I think subconsciously I am trying to make the house a bit cozier since one of the main elements of a HOME, namely my Husband, will be missing.
LOVING Tirzah reading a book this morning
LOVING this video of Tirzah watching her strong Daddy. She is so impressed with his strength!! (as am I!!!) What lucky, lucky ladies we are!
LOVING the time spent with the Lord this morning and the theme that seemed to shine through:
My SOUL is consumed with longing for your laws at all times.
Psalm 119:20
LOVING that the sun is just starting to peer through the clouds from the rainy morning
LOVING that Daniel just honked to to announce his arrival home for the day! Truly, just as the sun was coming out!!
yay for the sun coming out :) And that Tirzah read a book! You definitely have a lot of awesome things to be lovin'!