LOVING these Oven Dried Tomatoes I made last night from this cookbook. You roast them overnight at 120 degrees, and in the morning you find beautiful and delicious delicacies! I can't wait to use them on a sandwich today with some freshly baked bread, some mozzarella cheese, and maybe even some fresh basil too.
LOVING these bread dough bowls from Pottery Barn... imagining them with ivory candles as a center piece on Daniel's handmade table...
LOVING that my husband is becoming the best BBQ man in all the land. He created a most wonderful sauce on the 4th of July and used it with smoked ribs and then smoked chicken last night... it is to die for!
LOVING our sweet, sweet daughter
LOVING that she grows and changes each new day. Just as the LORD'S mercies are new every morning, Tirzah always has some new discovery to show us, and we are absolutely delighted every morning.
LOVING the prospect of Daniel's return home today at 1 and the prospect of a family afternoon at the pool!
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