Thursday, May 19, 2011

Raphine Retreat Almond Orange Biscotti

The week is going by well in Daniel's absence.  In the Shear family we count down by the number of wake-ups... so one more wake up to go until he returns home!  The days have passed quickly for little Lady Bug and I.  We have our little morning routine which consists of breakfast for her (and a much needed delicious mug of coffee for Mama), bath time which she just loves 

and reading a book or two from her huge collection.  We love going for walks at our favorite place which we call the Wildflower Trail.  The trail begins with a wonderful little bridge over a bubbling creek.  It winds through trees and shrubs and is lined with all sorts of wildflowers.  Squirrels are scurrying about, birds singing splendidly, and then all of a sudden you come upon a beautiful lake.  The geese are innumerable, turtles are out sunbathing, and we have even spotted a blue heron twice this week!  We have managed to walk there every day this week.  
Today I made up a batch of Marlene's biscotti recipe.  Daniel absolutely LOVES it and I thought it would be a great welcome home treat for him!  Here it is for you to try!

Preheat to 350 
Combine: 2 1/4 C flour
1 1/4 C sugar
2 t baking powder
1/2 C slivered almonds
1/2 C craisins
Grated peel from one orange
pinch of salt

Combine and add to dry: 3 eggs
1 T oil
1 t vanilla/almond flavoring

Mix until well combined.  Put batter into (2) 1/2-3/4 " thick logs on a baking sheet (oil your hands before you do this because the dough is super sticky!)
Bake for 27 min
Loosen the dough from the sheets
Cut the logs into 1/2" slices and turn onto one side
Bake for 8-10 minutes
Turn to other side
Bake for 8-10 minutes
(Sometime I want to try putting white chocolate chips in.  Or even better, dipping the biscotti into chocolate ganache... )

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