Saturday, May 21, 2011

A day of firsts

It was wonderful to welcome Daniel home last night.  He had quite a successful week again, Praise the Lord!!  This completes the end of week 11 which is unbelievable to think we have only 5 more weeks left of IBOLC.  This next week Daniel is home every night and even has a wonderful 4 day weekend in celebration of Memorial Day.  We are thinking of maybe heading to Raphine, or Cocoa Beach, or even going back to Amelia Island where we honeymooned: "The sky is the limit" as Daniel has been saying!  After that he begins his 10 day Leader Forge, the culminating event of IBOLC.
We have loved every moment together today as a family.  Tirzah had a little trouble through the week going to sleep: just a little bit more uncomfortable.  But once Daniel returned home, she has been calm as ever.  She needs him home just as much as I do and is most certainly a little Daddy's girl and loves to have the family all together.
This morning Daniel made his waffles, one of our favorite Saturday traditions.  Then we went to the market and picked up our vegetables: first week of potatoes and leeks!  Also received our weekly supply of fennel which delighted Tirzah...

We love going from the farmer's market to another favorite place, a grocery store like Whole Foods.  We picked up some marinated tri-tip for Daniel's birthday which is on Monday, which he can hardly wait to place on that grill.  AND, biggest event of the day: Tirzah rolled over for the first time!  Daniel went to go save her from her afternoon nap and found her on her tummy!  Tonight while she was with us, she rolled from her tummy to her back and came so close to rolling from back to tummy again!  She is really growing up!  


  1. Hello! My name is Alison, and I found your blog through a blog search. We just got here a couple weeks ago; my husband is just starting IBOLC. So far I am loving the area and exploring. Do you have any recommendations on stuff to do/places to go? Where is the Farmer's Market you go to? I would love to hear from you! or

  2. What a wonderful fennel chortle!

  3. Look at her strong neck holding up her head!! She's getting so big. I love seeing these photos and videos. Praying big time. Love ya'll!! Miss Margery
