Tuesday, July 12, 2011


We feel so very blessed here at the Columbus Cottage.  Our schedule these past few days: Daniel home by 11 and then the rest of the day spent playing with Tirzah, and reading or napping on the couch! (while Tirzah is sleeping).  What a gift!  Daniel is currently 50 pages away from finishing the book War.  And I am delighting my way through the first book of The Mitford Series.  Absolutely loving walking through life with Father Tim and his wonderful neighbors.

A funny moment during the watches of the night (by the way... these past 8 nights have been long watches indeed, for Tirzah is sleeping ALL the way through the night!  11-12 hours!! Praise God).  Apparently I tapped Daniel until he was awake and mumbled something to him.  Sweet sweet Daniel asked me to repeat what I had said, so I said it a little slower this time, but still mumbled it completely.  One more time Daniel asked me to repeat: "Sweetie, I'm sorry I'm not hearing you very well.  Could you please say it one more time?"

I replied in a louder, drawn out, annoyed tone:

"The Eggplant Stopped the Car!"
And hastily grabbed the covers and huffed to the other side.

Daniel said he laid there chuckling for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep.

I guess eggplant for both lunch and dinner is not such a good idea...

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