Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Georgia Peaches

Here is what I am loving on this foggy day in Columbus, GA:

LOVING that by the Lord's grace and mercy I can still find moments to LOVE even though the Love of my life is away for 2 months.

LOVING the pictures I was able to capture before Daniel headed off on Sunday

LOVING the Georgia peaches that Renee, Tirzah, and I got yesterday!  We are hoping to make some homemade peach jam... any advice?

LOVING the relationship between Auntie Renee and sweet Tirzah

LOVING that we leave for Cocoa Beach in 2 days to meet up with Greg & Marlene.  Hopefully we will be able to touch a manatee again... and hopefully I won't flood our camera, again.


  1. Loving all of your loves! :) Your little one is so sweet! Have a great Wednesday!

  2. PRECIOUS blog!! New follower! :)

  3. I love making fresh jams!

    Cute blog! Happy Wednesday!

  4. Have so much fun on your trip! And, your family is gorgeous :) You definitely have a lot of awesome things to be lovin'!
