Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Love and a Blue Cord

Sorry it has been so long since I last wrote: it has been a full week with 2 different friends visiting, Daniel's Blue Cord Ceremony last night, his father coming in today, trips to the airport, jump starting a car by ourselves (Anna and I that is... mainly Anna), and IBOLC Graduation tomorrow!  Whew!  But,
Here is what I'm Loving on this day in Columbus, GA:

LOVING that my husband completed his IBOLC course and received his Blue Cord last night!  He is officially in the Infantry!!  So proud of him!

LOVING that Tirzah was an angel for her first babysitters!  We dropped her off at our friends house onpost, (after a disastrous babysitter interview on Monday), and they said she didn't cry at all!  What a doll baby she is.

LOVING that Daniel and I got to dress up together last night

LOVING that Daniel looked so handsome in his uniform

LOVING that we went on an ice-cream date after the social and enjoyed a quiet evening together

LOVING the memories that were made on Daniel's First Father's Day, namely that Tirzah sat up by herself!! (and LOVING what a wonderful Daddy he is!)

LOVING that we get 10 days of VACATION starting on Friday!!  We are going to Cocoa Beach to spend some time with Daniel's Grandparents.  I have yet to see their house so we are really looking forward to walks on the beach, the sunset boat rides, the company, and the time together!


  1. What amazing things to be loving! Congratulations on the blue cord!

  2. I love this post! Congrats to Daniel! Have fun on your vacation. :)
