Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Back again: Tilling Tuesdays

After a very long break from our garden, we return with exited hearts, wondering and dreaming what this year, what this harvest will hold.  Still it is cold and dreary and rainy here in Washington, still in the throes of winter.  But yet, even still, small glimpses of Spring break through the almost constant cloud cover, and we are reminded just what is ahead: the glory of the Sun if we just might endure the darkness of winter.

Indeed winter is still upon us, but even so, there are new beginnings everywhere and life that burst forth in Fall season has held through these winter months and still bears life: our 4 kale plants (although quite measly, they still survive!) and or 19 heads of garlic with shoots green and tender.  Buds of life!  Buds of hope!  Hope for the harvest.  Hope for sunshine.

Although the winter months don't find us out in the garden, with soil underneath our fingernails and smudged along our cheeks, winter still can be a season of growing; perhaps not of full bloom growth but yes still a season of enduring and persevering growth.  For much like the kale plants, holding firmly though the winds and the rains beat and blow from each and every side, they still stand.  Though the spiritual season of "winter" may pummel us with every wind of trial, yet still we stand and though we might not show any outward sign of growth, we do not either, show any sign of decay.  Holding firmly.  Enduring through.

As I sat in the quiet of the morn, I thought upon the garden and about my own growing and wanted to take time to share with you, faithful reader.  I feel as though the blog lately has not been in depth: showing just the outward goings and comings but not the inward growth.  And so, in effort to change that, as I shared the growth of the summer garden, I hope to share the growth of our character.

Sweet Tirzah.  How she has grown!  Not only in appearance, for she is not a little baby anymore, but a sturdy young toddler with a zeal for life and for learning.  Daniel and I have been so proud of her this past week, seeing leaps and bounds in her maturity.  And who knows what from?  Some moments we truly just stare at one another with tender faces as Tirzah joyfully exclaims "of course!" to a request to put away her shoes, or a command that is quickly and completely obeyed, or saying thank you and please without being prompted.  What joy!  We are thrilled with the growth in her relationship with her Daddy as we see the Lord redeeming the time spent away each and every day.  Friday they spent the evening together as Mama went for a splendid ladies' night.  And ever since then (along with their fishing date on Saturday) Tirzah has warmed to his presence and his touch more and more.  We delight in her growth in independent play, as well.  Who knows if it was how we raised/trained her or just her extrovert personality, but Tirzah has never been one to play by herself around family.  But in the past week she has grown exponentially in this area: going to play by herself during our morning chores, or going to sit on the couch and read while I prepare a meal, even making it to 11 minutes today on our timed quiet time!  We are so thankful for her sweet growth and the precious little lady she is becoming.

Dressed by Daddy and looking quite stylish!

For Mama?  I find I am growing through and with the challenge to memorize the book of Colossians in a year (with my sweet friend Hillary, also Marlene, and now my husband!)  To specifically pinpoint an area of growth, I would say it is in a greater understanding of our spiritual inheritance.  As I recite and as I sit and ponder the words I am committing to memory, I am filled with awe and such gratitude that freely we have been given an inheritance that can never be taken away:

qualification to be Holy!

brought into the Kingdom of Light!

Rescued from the dominion of darkness!


Forgiven of our sins!

We can have great endurance!  And great patience!  And give joyful thanks!  All because of this inheritance that was freely given and can never be taken away.

Glory!  What an inheritance.

How do you find yourself, yes, growing, in this season of Winter?  Perhaps no growth, but endurance.  In what areas are you faithfully enduring, holding steadfastly until Spring arrives and with it promised beginnings?

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